Happy birthday Aquarius

Pendente con giada e corniola

Velvet and garnet pendant

Fabric choker with afghan pendant

Earrings with chevron bead and stones

Chevron beads earrings

Questo è
Tribal Beat
Come nasce la passione
per il design di gioielli
non convenzionali

Your reviews
"I had a very beautiful jade necklace but a little too classic. The restyling has renewed it, and now I often wear it with pleasure."
"Your necklaces are wonderful"
"Wonderful pieces"
"Today I had the opportunity to see your jewellery...I love them compliments"
"You're too good, I like them all"
"Very's beautiful"
"Splendid fusion of ethnic and contemporary, history expertly mixed with current events
The classic becomes trend"
"Necklace arrived and I really like it! Thank you so much"
"Great gift from my children, I wear it every day and love it."
"How beautiful, just what I was looking for"
"The necklace was much admired, I am satisfied with my purchase"
"Splendid creations! I purchased two necklaces: one in white coral and another in pearls with an Afghan central... very special"
"Original and elegant style that gives a unique twist to every look. Suitable for all ages!"
"I wear both of mine a lot; at first mainly in summer but then more and more often also on sweaters.
And I get a lot of compliments! "
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